İndirme : 39

Amina: A Survivor

Tevfik Fikret asserts that “societies that do not educate their daughters make their sons miserable.”

T. Fikret wished to emphasize that although this condition is detri­mental to ladies, and it also harms guys significantly.

In fact, it is evident in real life that a child raised by a mother who is illiterate cannot be sufficiently valuable for herself and society because a child’s family is their first and most essential source of education.

The mother is also the backbone of the family since the female bird constructs the nest.

Additionally, the youngster spends more time with the mother than the father.

Today’s girls can, however, perform any task that a boy can. Girls do not have anything more or less in this regard.

On the other hand, despite the fact that almost all Abrahamic and human belief systems encourage reading, particularly for girls, some members of these belief systems are more adamant about upholding traditions, and some bigots utter crude phrases like “What will happen if a girl child is being educated?” But nations that educate their daugh­ters have always been rich, tranquil, and trouble-free nations. History is replete with instances like these.

Sincere thanks...

Muhsin KONUK, Ph.D Professor

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